Oh, this is a fun one!
Leave the horse in the pasture/barn for this episode.
Today is might feel like a little bit of a Dance Class, right up Janice's alley!
For those that didn't know, before becoming a Master Pilates Instructor and Dressage Rider, Janice was a professional dancer.
YES! You'll feel that quite strongly through the episode.
We know you will enjoy this.
Perhaps just do it out of the eye line of anyone otherwise they may think you've gone a little loopy!
These exercises will improve your Canter, after all, Dressage is a lot about Rhythm right?
In fact, it is key in the Dressage Training Scale.
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***Noted in this episode***
RIDERMANSHIP® ROOKIE https://www.pilatesfordressage.com/audioseries
PILATES FOR DRESSAGE® DVD and BOOKS https://www.pilatesfordressage.com/book-dvds

Janice Dulak is known internationally for her work in melding Professional Dancing, Pilates, and Riding into a program to enhance your strength, body awareness, and influence on your horse. The author of Pilates For Dressage® and the creator of Ridermanship® Clinic in the Cloud study program, this podcast is your FREE access to Janice...
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