Like all body appendages, knowing what to do (or what not to do) with your hands is so important to our riding. In this edition of RIDE WITH JANICE, Janice will give you some 'ride changing' advice about how your hand's position, movement, and muscle tension should be factored into each ride.

During this episode, Janice will remind you of two main principles -: 1. Do something/nothing with your hands, so you don't do something with your hands - Confused? You won't be! 2. Think about muscle tension and the dynamic nature of how much pressure we need in our hands to get a response from our horse.
Mentioned in this podcast is German Dressage Trainer Hubertus Schmidt -
You can find him online at
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Turn your rides into moments - with Janice Dulak - Published author and creator of the online education program Ridermanship®
Janice Dulak is known internationally for her work in melding Professional Dancing, Pilates and Riding into a program to enhance your strength, body awareness and influence on your horse. The author of Pilates For Dressage® and the creator of Ridermanship® Clinic in the Cloud study program, this podcast is your FREE access to Janice...
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